R.I.P. Gav - 21/9/2011 - Our beloved Gavin Larkin passed away this afternoon at 3.28pm. He was surrounded by his family and the love that he has created. He will never be forgotten for who he was, how he lived and what he has left behind. I know I speak on behalf of all that knew him when I say Gav, thank you for being you. The world is a better place for having had you in it.
The Larkin family would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this blog. The messages have been a constant source of support and wonderful memories that the family will cherish forever. They have been overwhelmed by all the good wishes, lovely words, food & flowers. The community around Gavin, Maryanne, Gus, Josie and Van has been wonderful and made an enormous difference. Thank you to all.
May we suggest, if you would like to offer further support, in lieu of flowers, please make a donation to one of the following nominated causes: RUOK? Day Donations or Cure For Life
May we suggest, if you would like to offer further support, in lieu of flowers, please make a donation to one of the following nominated causes: RUOK? Day Donations or Cure For Life
Monday, 26 September 2011
Nicola Smith
I worked with Gavin for one year at thebrandshop and he was one of those rare bosses that challenges you as an individual and sees the value of each of us. He encouraged everyone to be their 'authentic' selves and for us to challenge ourselves of what you can achieve. What a great bloke and my thoughts are with you all and send you my love. Nicola
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Susan Mackenzie
To Gavin's Wife and Children family and Friends,
No words can possibly express the Heartfelt sympathy that Gavin's untimely death has generated. Please feel some small comfort now and in the future in knowing that total strangers are thinking about you all and feeling your sorrow. Gavin will forever be remembered for instigating a life saving and invaluable intervention program in proud you all must incredibly sad!
Sue & Shane Ellsmore
Hi Gavin,
Thank you for being so supportive of myself and Shane. We thank you for everything you have done for everyone to live a happy and long life. Shane was very proud of you and for the time that you shared with us. We will miss you dearly, and not stop thinking of you. You are a special person.
All our love,
Sue & Shane Ellsmore
Buzz & Krista Shaw
So so sorry to hear about Gavin's passing.. Our hearts are breaking for you and your family.
We are thinking of you all and sending you lots and lots of LOVE.
Much Love from us both,
Buzz & Krista
Laguna Beach
Sarah-Jane Aitken
To Gavin’s wife,
I watched Australian Story and met your man for the first time. I made my Husband watch the repeat show….Gavin, in Australian Story, was the Father I WANT my Husband to be.
Sure Gavin’s legacy was R U OK? Day, and you and his children….but just know HE touched my heart and passed on some tips for being PRESENT with your children; telling them “I love you” and being on the other end of the video camera. I ALWAYS seem to be the one behind the camera creating memories and stories for my children. I told my Husband how he too, can be on the filming end and still make comment about what’s going on etc. That, to me, is being PRESENT in the moment….in the goings on, so your children can look back and hear their Dad’s voice and comments about the moment on film.
Please show this email to your children when they are older. Their Dad, affected other CHILDREN’s lives…..not just those who will benefit from R U OK? Day.
Thanks Gavin (you legend) ….more than my words can convey!
Warm regards to those who knew him,
Mum to 4yr old Tomas and 18month old Ainsley and wife of Cameron.
There is only a special few in this world that can not only reach but touch those that are "untouchable", Gavin is one of these. We are so lucky to have had you.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Alicia Goldstien ( Whitehouse )
Hi Maryanne,
It's been about ten years since I last spoke to you. Life has changed since.
You have been in my thoughts since hearing about R U OK a few years ago. I can't put into words, my heart is just so sad for you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss. Seeing you on Australian story, was very touching. Gavin was so brave to share your story. The happier times, studying fashion together have been flooding my mind. I pray that the angels above will bring you and your family peace and strength. Would like to re connect in the future.
Alicia Goldstien
Jewellery by a farmer's daughter
Kate Thornley
My thoughts and prayers are with all of the family and friends of Gavin.
Warm regards,
Kate Thornley
Bee Smith Gilbert
I have not been able to get Gavin and his family off my mind since I watched his story. I posted the RUOK day on my blog.
One thing is for sure, Gavin had a very special family to support him through everything.
My thoughts are with you all.
RUOK will not be forgotten and the world will be a better place because of Gavin Larkin.
My thoughts and love to the Larkin's.
Bee x
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Meagan Roberts
Dear Larkin Family,
I only just watched Gavin's story on ABC's iView.
What a terrible, heartbreaking loss for you all, and especially his beautiful children who so adored him.
Sending you my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. Thank you for sharing his story with us all.
Dear Larkin Family,
I have never felt compelled to write a letter like this before now. I watched Gavin’s and your story on ‘Australian Story’ recently.
It really struck a chord with me as I am a long time sufferer of bi-polar disorder, with terrible episodes of deep depression at times.
I had been indulging in thoughts of suicide at the time I watched your story.
It made me feel ashamed and selfish to have such feelings with people like Gavin fighting so bravely to stay alive.
I am medicated and see a psychiatrist regularly and am not at risk of acting on my feelings of hopelessness.
The grace and dignity with which your family deal with such an unfair situation is inspirational to me. I reflect on some of the things Gavin has said on the program and the courage of all family members. It truly does help me have a better perspective on my own life and family and how precious both are.
Thank you for sharing your story with people, I imagine it wasn’t an easy thing to do.
I wish you all a very happy and peaceful future,
Yours Sincerely,
Nicole McInnes
Hi Gavin,
We met only once when you presented to me when I was working for AAPT. I am currently on maternity leave and in February started a blog (it seemed I missed my former creative life at SOM too much). Anyway through the blogging connections I've made I was asked to write a post for RUOK? Day, which I wrote on the weekend and plan to post on Thursday.
I then watched Australian Story tonight and found out it was you behind RUOK and about your illness. I wanted to let you know I will commit to promoting RUOK day in anyway I can. I am attending the event in Sydney on Thursday but I am guessing you won't be there. I know you have probably heard this before but you are an amazingly inspirational human being and I realise now that I missed a chance by not getting to work with you and know you better. If only I'd listened to you when you ran into me after the meeting!
My family's thoughts are with you and your amazing family. Thank you for your creative brilliance which will leave a legacy that not only inspires people to be true to themselves and live a more meaningful life, but will actually save the lives of individuals, and the emotional lives of the people who love them.
Warmest regards,
Nicole McInnes
Darryle & Gloria Brown
We happened to watch Australian Story and we found you – we saw you and we got your message in an instant.
We moved to the lounge after dinner ... glass of wine, shoes off and just relaxing and there you appeared on Australian Story and changed our life in an instant. We could not take our eyes of you – we were so impressed by you and could see your light and the goodness you radiated... mind you through the TV... imagine you in real life!! We kept looking at each other understanding you and realising your words were golden. We were crushed to learn you were sick... we did not want that for you .. nor for your son. We only wanted you to be strong and well so that you could keep enjoying your life and the blessings you had surrounding you. I have lost my mother to cancer and we fought with all we had - but we lost too.
You knew how to live life and saw the value in life itself. You will not be forgotten, your hard work and effort is fruitful and your family should hold their heads up high and be extremely proud of what you achieved in your short life mate.
Darryle & Gloria Browne
John Derks
It is with great sadness that I received the news of Gavin’s passing away, this inspirational man has touched mine and no doubt many other lives.
May his family take comfort in the fact his legacy will go on and help many people.
Rest in Peace Gavin with the knowledge that you have made this sometimes troubled world a better place for many people me being one of them.
Thank you Gavin for being such a special human being.
David Oliver
Never in my life have I been so touched by somebody like Gavin Larkin. What an incredibly unselfish and inspirational man.
Everybody has a hero at some point in their life and for me after 40 years Gav is it. I now feel I must make a difference or help
somebody just as you have done. I truly thank you for making a difference in my life and inspiring me to move on past my failings
and mistakes. You are truly amazing Gav. My deepest sympathy to the family. Keep your chin up Gus. He loved you mate and would
not want to see you too sad.
Elena Di Palma
Hello Larkin Family,
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I met Gavin in SELP where he came up with the idea for RUOK? Day.
I’m so sad that he has passed, I didn’t know him very well but was significantly affected by his presence and his determination to make a difference.
I’m only comforted knowing that he lived his best life, moment by moment knowing it is all we have and that he will continue to live on through you and RUOK? Day.
My love goes out to you all.
Dominique Motteux
Dear Maz, Gus, Josie and Van,
Our thoughts and love are with you at this terrible, sad time. You are such a brave, wonderful family.
Lots of love,
Dom, Simon, Lara and Jimmy xxxx
Jeffrey Cooper
Hi Maz and the Larkin team,
I am so sorry for your loss. I wouldn't know where to begin to say the right thing... Gavin was a loving, mighty warrior for what's right in the world. He loved you guys so much and it poured out of him every day. My thoughts are with your family. Godspeed to brighter days.
Warm regards,
The Burchalls
Hello Maryanne
We are all saddened to hear of Gavin’s passing.
Our thoughts are with you and the children through this difficult time.
We send much love your way.
Love to you
The Burchall’s
Simon Santow
RIP Gavin Larkin, Mr RUOK Day. You inspired with a message both simple and profound. My interview
Simon Santow
ABC Radio Current Affairs
"AM", "PM", "The World Today"
Cherry Dickinson
It's a sad day in Laguna Beach. We feel it here and wish we were there to put our arms around you all!
Gavin, you're amazing! What a legacy you are leaving behind. Your wife is a beautiful person with strength beyond description and your 3 children are adored.
God bless you Larkins!
Cherry Dickinson
Caitlin Shea
Dear Maryanne, Gus, Josie, Van, Maureen, Aya and all the other lovely Larkins I met recently.
I have just heard the news about Gav and I am so very sorry for you all.
What a legend Gav was - hanging in there for another R U OK? Day. I have never met anyone tougher or more determined than Gav and it was truly an honour to tell his story.
Caitlin Shea
Australian Story, ABC TV
Barbara Potger
I was just so moved and inspired by Australian Story and by Gavin last week. I sent several messages on R U OK Day and got such a wonderful response from the people I sent them to. September 15th is on my calendar forever and I know RU OK Day will change people's lives and be a lasting memorial to Gavin. And I'll be saying RU OK lots of times to people, not just on Sept 15th.
Want can I say to his family at this moment except that little bit of your pain is my pain tonight and I feel touched that my life connected with Gavin, if only through the television screen
Barbara Potger, ABC viewer, Brisbane.
Judy Higgins
What a wonderful, inspirational life you led Gavin. The world will be a sadder place for your passing. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Rest in peace brave Gavin.
Louise Woodbury
Gavin may you rest in knowing that you have left a huge ripple effect on this world.
All our love to you Maryanne.
Louise & William
Stuart O'Brien
What can I say. What can any of us say. You have left an amazing mark on so many and you should be so proud of what you have achieved. Only yesterday I thought about Halloween and trick or treating and seeing your face at the gate! Your an inspiration to so many of us. The world will miss you. Good-bye big man. Love and strength to your family.
Brian Smith
Hey Champ,
Wish I could be in Sydney to see you and tell you in person what I'm trying to put into words in this message. We've known each other since we both worked for Singo over 15 years ago and you've always been the same bloke. You're sincere and honest with a streak of mischief and a big dash of loyalty.
I'll always remember the Bondi to Bronte walks and talks when we solved the world's problems in a morning before breakfast. You've created a legacy to be proud of, a wonderful family, a terrific charity and a group of mates that would do anything for you.
My great uncle used to say that a tiger leaves behind a skin and a man leaves a reputation. Yours will thrive forever mate in our minds and in our hearts. You're the champ Gav!
Love you mate!
Paul Barber
Hi Gavin,
You know doubt get many messages and rightfully so, mine will be brief. When I 1st saw the R U OK concept I thought Oh know another " Day " The more I looked into it I said you know what ? This is a good idea. Following this I watched with interest your Australian Story and wow !!! Powerful, inspiration and heart wrenching. We all hope and pray that we leave this earth achieving something. You have done that in spades mate
My thought are with your family who are amazingly strong too
Paul Barber
Hi There Gavin,
You don't know me from a bar of soap, but you saved my life.
On Thursday, September 15th, I'd had enough. I'd taken an overdose, self injured severely, and driven myself to a local beach side rocky cliff. Whilst sitting at the top, waiting for things to get fuzzy, an older woman come and sat next to me, smiled and said "It's RUOK day, and you're sitting in a precarious spot so I'm gonna ask the question". That was all I needed, the resolve I had disappeared and I asked her to call me an ambulance.
I'm by no means better, I still struggle with the thought of suicide daily, I'm still in hospital and will be for some time, but thanks to your drive for RUOK Day and a strange woman who I don't even know the name of, I'm still here.
Melissa Arbuthnot
Hello Gavin,
Having just watched my recorded Australian story that featured your story I feel compelled to write to you and say God Bless you and your family on the journey you are on.
Having lost my much loved Mum to cancer 6 years ago last month and thankfully survived my own battle with cancer 2 years later much of what you spoke of with your battle and the battle of your son makes it all seem like yesterday. Rather shockingly I was not aware of the day you created in time to celebrate it this year but have already earmarked it in my diary for 2012 and will be sure to get right behind it every year going forward and use the best of the communications skills I have been blessed with to help spread the word
The strength and courage of you and your family is an inspiration to all and leaves behind a true life legacy of which you can all be so proud. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family in the coming weeks and months.
So it seems the other side is going to call you shortly so may you go in peace and my wish for your beautiful wife, children and family once you arrive there is that like my Mum you will be a very active spirit for them all.
Melissa Arbuthnot
Jo Staniforth
It comes down to this. You have made a difference to a world of several billion people.
Few of us will ever do that. It's the world's loss.
Live Strong
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Our beloved Gavin Larkin passed away this afternoon at 3.28pm. He was surrounded by his family and the love that he has created. He will never be forgotten for who he was, how he lived and what he has left behind. I know I speak on behalf of all that knew him when I say Gav, thank you for being you. The world is a better place for having had you in it.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Peter Overton
Gavin , I will never forget our meeting outside Clo Deli. You told me your story and I left moved, inspired and with your thoughts about life and your journey always close by to call on. You, Maz, Gus and the kids are one mighty, mighty family… and please send Aya both mine and Annette’s warmest wishes.
And by the way, the most important story on our news last week was R U OK DAY…. Nothing else came close.
With warmest wishes,
Peter Overton
Jodie Williams
Hi Gav
Thinking of you always and now saddened by your times. Such an incredible man you are and have been from get go. Stay strong as I will. Never forgetting all the incredible moments knowing you and never will. Forever love to you and your family x Jodie
p.s r u ok is brilliant and means a lot to many people, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thankyou from me
Jodes (Milan)
Clare McInerney
Gavin, Today was a bad day for me. My bad days I want off the bus, and just go back home.
Then I watched the episode of Australian Story about you and R You Okay day.
Thank you for your story.
Thank you for your heart,
Thank you for the bravery, insight and wisdom you've shared.
Thank you for your honesty.
Thank you for understanding the battle of depression.
Thank you for trying to help those who are in so much pain (like me)
Thank you for caring for the unknown souls who suffer alone.
Thank you for talking about it.
Thank you for your gift of selflessness and love.
Thank you for the lives you've saved because someone took heed to ask - and actually listen to the answer....
Thank you for the beauty of your life on this earth and know your spirit lives on regardless of your human body no longer providing a physical home.
The light of you will glow forever in the hearts of those who know and love you dearly
The strength of your love will embrace, surround, support and comfort your beloved family.
They may not see it but they will feel it for the soul's precious energy never just changes.
You are an inspiration and a courageous man with an incredible legacy for too short a life.
It's not fair. life never is.
May you be blessed with peace and grace when you arrive back to all of mankind's spiritual home and be reunited with your Dad.
Thank you, for everything.
God bless you and yours.
You will be okay. Promise.
Revita and Ojas
Hi Gavin
We have only just heard about you from watching Australian Story. You are truly an amazing human being and both Ojas and I send you and your beloved family, love and strength. Thanks so much for your work, commitment and genuine caring love for humanity and suffering. I am one of the fortunate people aged 60 now who has never known what depression is and don't think I ever will. I have friends who have suicided which left me with sadness and grief. RUOK is a fantastic concept and so easy to use for everybody. We will definitely remember it always and be there for others who are not OK. You have done magnificent work Gavin, thousands of people now can help others, hundreds of thousands, even perhaps millions, wow that's amazing, thank you.
With love from the heart
Revati and Ojas
Burrawang NSW
Anita Landles
Hi Gavin and family,
You don’t know me but that doesn’t. All that matters is that you are an inspiration to so many people Gavin, I am one of them. Having suffered depression for many years, life has been on occasions unbearable. Now I am doing really well and want so much to help other people because I know what it’s like and we can make a difference!
I watched Australian Story and have followed RUOK? Day and the wonderful work that has been done in reaching out to people through this great initiative.
I for one will continue to ask the question RUOK? It takes one person to make a difference and you Gavin have done that.
God bless you and your gorgeous family.
Annie J
Monday, 19 September 2011
Fiona Sullivan
Dear Gav,
It’s been a long time since we all worked on the Floor at Bond Street.
When I started as a Terminal Girl in '89 I couldn’t believe how much fun that big theatre was to work in.
Like being in a big school yard especially with Stuey Cook attaching shark fins and spurs to unsuspecting bods! (He used to call me Fiona Mouskouri or Nana Edwards when I started)
I have met the best of people in my life on that floor where it really was a big family when it counted.
Working with ex shed members James Watts and Brett Grant currently we make sure we pass on any info we have heard about you.
We all think about you and the courage it takes to push on with the R U OK cause.
It is making a difference. You are making a difference.
I have a DVD of the “Last Day of the Trading Floor” with a close up of you in the first 4min. If you don’t have a copy I would love to be able to send it to you if you can give me an address.
Love to you and your family,
Fiona Sullivan (Edwards)
Kerie Wells
Hi Gavin,
You may not remember me but we worked together briefly when you were a SOM and I was at CHE on Village Warner Theme Parks.
I too watch Australian Story last week and was deeply moved. My life was impacted by suicide the week before your Australian story went to air, and like you I hope the more we can talk about this issue the more people can be helped. Most people only dream of achieving what you have, to have touched and reached so many people is an inspiration to us.
We should all stop and give our family a kiss and hug, then show kindness to someone else, it could just make a difference!
Congratulations and thanks for the difference you make.
Colin Tate
I remember your contribution in our landmark courses many years ago.
The power & passion you spoke of your love for your dad & his suicide left me in no doubt you'd move mountains to make good some difference for that experience & you have. Congratulations.
I was shocked by Australian story - last we spoke you were confident of getting well.
I know you will now be spending some painful & special time with your wife, children, family & close friends.
I'm pleased our lives crossed paths - however short.
Thinking of you mate.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Lara Hall
Hey Gavin, from our meeting at Tennis World at Epping when we were both in year 7 and then our first date where you took me to Balmoral Beach and blew up my lilo for me :::))) your journey has been truly amazing. Unfortunately I didn't realize then what an amazing man you would grow into but I feel privileged that I can say I knew you, and since that time I have been fortunate to run into you from time to time. I also feel blessed that I got to meet Maz and your kids and spend some time in friendship keeping up with you, your family & your life.
The last time I saw you was at Morgan Parkers place and I remember leaving thinking about you & Maz & the love, respect & connection that you two obviously shared & longing for it in my own marriage.
As someone who has suffered from depression for most of my adult years, your vision with R U OK day is to be applauded. Something so simple but yet so needed for many suffering in loneliness & silence.
Gavin you are an inspiration ...
May God bless you, Maz, the kids & the whole Larkin family.
Lots of love
Lara Hall
Kyra Bennett
Where to start? My mind these days is filled with thoughts, dreams and memories of you …
I feel so privileged to have known you and, more recently, to be inspired by your journey.
Our friendship over my teens and twenties meant the world to me. You were a strong, honest, encouraging force in my somewhat tumultuous life. I remember distinctly lunch after lunch of good advice, listening, telling me to ‘man up Massive,' and a real belief that I could succeed if I just set my mind to it and cut the crap, coupled with an honesty about where you were at, your determination to find a career that was the perfect fit. All through those years, you intuitively asked ‘R U OK’? It comes so naturally. And even in our latest chat too, amongst all your turmoil, you still ask.
The stories here are an amazing testament to you. You are such an inspiration to so many Gav, — a husband, father, brother, friend, boss to be proud of and inspired by. The clarity, energy and love in your journey pushes me to simply be a better person. It has helped me think about 'what next,' and to get on with it. And clearly, reading these pages, I am not alone.
I am devastated about where you are at, sad beyond words ... Its unfathomable to me.
Maz, sending you lots of love. The children have been blessed with two amazing parents.
All my love,
Sheila Abrahams
Hi Gav
You don't know me, but I feel as if I know you after following your blog and watching Australian Story. I am a friend of your mums and have spent a few fun times at the farm in the Hunter (think Maureen fun!) and a more than a few great christmas eves at Lyns lovely unit in Bronte. I just have to say what an incredibly brave, courageous and honest person you are and what you have achieved in your life most people could not achieve if they lived to be 100. Know that your lovely amazing Maz will be in good hands with your loving family and friends. What we can all learn from your courage and strength is to communicate our love and feelings for each other everyday and never be afraid to ask are you ok? To Maz, and your beautiful children, Maureen, Geoff and all your close and loving family we send much love to you and want you to know how much we think about you.
A final thought on your life Gav, not only have you learn 't how to live - but you have learnt how to accept the finality of your disease with such dignity, love and strength beyond words.
Sheila Abrahams
Friday, 16 September 2011
Jennifer Granger
Dear Gav,
Well, for the record, here is one more testimony of another life that you have touched, moved and inspired. You have always had the power of creating genuinely real conversations. So I am putting the impact you had on me out there for others to read, as a tribute to how you naturally practiced "R U Ok?", well before you ever conceived of the day.
I will never forget the first time I saw you. It was 2005 and I had just started freelancing at Y and R. I stepped out of the lift into a crowded foyer to discover that you were holding a Friday morning office debrief. The first thing I noticed was the expression on other peoples' faces. They were totally engaged by you. It was very obvious that you had their total respect and admiration. As I peeped over shoulders to see who was talking with a voice that sounded so genuine and enthusiastic, I remember thinking "Bloody hell! Now there's a true leader." To this day, I've never witnessed another leader command that level of natural esteem.
During that time, as you might remember, my William, then two years old, suffered second degree burns down all of his chest. The weeks of his treatment were hellish and coupled with my husbands' depression ripping my marriage apart, I could barely think straight on the job. It was a time when I was definitely not OK. You did everything you could to step in to help on the project I was doing a bad job of. Thank you. I cannot imagine trying to organise something as huge as R U OK Day in the midst of what you and Gus have been going through.
Many people have written on this blog of how you have the ability to just focus and entirely listen to what another person is saying. Several years later, when our paths crossed again, you generously gave your time to listen to what was going on in my world and inspired me to do Landmark. Several friends had tried to get me to do that course, but they always sounded like they were selling six free steak knives with it. But I trusted your sound judgement and downright enthusiasm and enrolled in the course an hour later. Yep, by the time I got off that phone I admit that I did have a massive crush on you! You could have told me to jump off the bridge and I would have at least considered it! The reason is because you really, really listened to me. You also inspired me by being honest about your own shortcomings. It was one of the most real conversations I had ever had with another person and that conversation made a massive difference to the direction I would take my life.
You told me of the commitment you had to your lovely wife Maz and that at least now, when you did have an argument, you fought fairly thanks to the Landmark tools. You told me that through the course I would either find the way to recommit to my marriage or choose a new life but I would stop sitting on the fence. Three years on, as you know, I have managed to negotiate a peaceful separation, without lawyers or the courts being involved. An unimaginable result. More importantly, my boys are happier than I could have dared believe was possible, given a broken home. Their teachers have told me that I should just keep doing whatever it is that I am doing, because the boys are doing great.
So one more R U OK conversation that changed yet another life. I can't thank you enough. I will do everything I can to help R U OK day for as long as I am on this earth. You have inspired me to reach out and live a really big life, moment to moment.
With love and thanks,
Jenny G.
Kim Daglish
Dear Gavin and Marianne,
I've just watched Australian Story and have been incredibly moved by your story. I am a forty-four year old mother of two living in suburban Melbourne. Watching your story has been uplifting and immediately caused me to grab my kids and smother them with kisses.
Know that there are thousands of us out there who are not strangers but are connected to you in our common humanity. In this way, know that our spirits are reaching out to you and embracing you, supporting you and loving you. You are not alone. Take comfort where you can and know that your story will help so many others.
God bless you and your family.
With love,
Scott Bowen
Hey Gav
I hope yesterday was a success for you!!
I caught the story on Monday night you have done an amazing job getting RUOK to where it is I had seen and heard of the day in the past few years but didn’t know you were behind it.
Miss the days of playing touch with you guys
Take care thoughts are with you.
Warwick Finlay
Hey Gav,
How about the trip when we took this photo at Wagga Wagga? We were making the award winning Instant-Scratch-It TVC's and flying around NSW in our own aircraft piloted by the late Tony Gordon. Um, where would you like to go today, hey?
I was Thug's temporary dad for a while there. Except when his other dad chucked him into a billabong to check for crocs.
I hope you can have a laugh when you think back on our adventures.
Thinking of you.

Ben & Linda Hewson
Dear Gavin
My husband and I watched Australian Story this week and we just wanted to say to you, (and this is only possible via this crazy world of communication that we now live in, that from our sheep farm in Broomehill, West Australia that we can google and find you!) that what you have achieved with RU OK? day is truly an inspiration.
Out here in rural Australia there is indeed a problem with depression and the ‘strong man’ syndrome and your concept and realisation of RU OK? is an absolute life saver.
We are so sorry to hear of your cancer, and that you are not ok.
Your legacy will live forever, in the most surprising of places.
kindest regards
Ben & Linda Hewson
Matthew Skene
Hello Gav,
Although we never really spent many hours together, the occasions that we did were always of top quality. After seeing Australian Story earlier in the week really brought back some fun times that we shared and embedded what a remarkable person that you are, lives that you have and will continue to touch for years to come.
Probably my favourite times was bumping into you whilst on the slopes at Thredbo. You were with your boys and I was fortunate to spend the next couple of hours skiing with you guys... It was a fast pace and really appreciate what a great sport Skiing is to enjoy with your family... The grin on your face seeing your kids fly down the mountain was memorable.
The other time that pops into the memory bank was 1 - Tonners club weekend in Melbourne to watch the French test with a great crew of boys. One of those memorable weekends, great stories, amazing friends and non stop laughter.
You are a special man.
Matthew Skene
Matt Ragghianti
Hi Gav,
Don't know if you remember me, but I was there the day you won the green jacket back in the Hunter Valley many, many moons ago. You took it in a one hole playoff. And still had the common decency to remove your false teeth in celebration of the win. It's a day, and a part of my life I will never, every forget. Richie Braun was kind enough to share with me the incredibly episode of Australian Story. I don't really know what to say here. Other than to thank you for showing me what a real man, husband and father looks like. I wish there were something I could do to help you, and I'm certain that is as common a refrain as it is, ultimately, useless. But please know that you have inspired me, mate. And, by watching you, I have re-learned to appreciate all the wonderful things I have, rather than obsess over the one I don't. Thanks for that, Gavin. And please know that you will not be forgotten.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Tracey Capps
Dear Gav, Maz, Gus, Josie and Van,
Well hi guys! Yes its been quite some time since we've had any contact, and I apologise its taken this very sad and difficult time in your lives to prompt this message. We were incredibly saddened when first told of your news Gav and then also to be told of Gus's news only a short time later. Your family and friends have kept us posted as to both your progress and our prayers and thoughts have been with all of you along this journey. There is certainly nothing fair in all of this, that is for certain, to see how you have handled it with grace, dignity and amazing strength is a credit to you. Congratulations to you Re: RUOK? Day, you should be very proud of yourself as I'm sure your Dad would be, and as I'm sure all your family are. It is an amazing gift, to be able to "GIVE BACK" in life and that is exactly what you have done Gav, well done!! Rob and Grace managed to watch Australian Story on Monday night and I have since had the chance to see it on the net. Gracie remembers Gus and popping next door to play with him when they were little, oh and those lovely pictures Maz of the two of them in the backyard, stark naked watering the garden. (Definetely one of those you bring out at the 21st). Yes, we have many fond memories of living in Clovelly with you both and the kids and times spent on Clovelly Beach. We are all well and love living in this beautiful little community of Dorrigo.
Maz what can I say love, your a tower of strength, I send an enormous hug and kiss to you. There are no words to describe how I feel when I think of what you have had thrown at you over the past 18 months or so. are in my thoughts at this present time.
Gav, I will finish on one of Cappsy's favourite sayings in our home with the kids and that is:- 'Where is the only place you need to be a hero? And to that they all reply......'home'!! Has a great ring to it ha! There is no doubt you definitely have succeeded with this mate.
All our love to you both and the kids, and to Maureen and Geoff.
Tracey, Cappsy, Grace, Alice, Darcy and Jed
Lorelei Barkley
Hi Gavin,
I was deeply moved last night when I watched the recent episode of Australian Story. I heard about it through mutual friends we have worked together with back at SOM and I was very sad to learn of the struggles both you and your family are going through. You have created a legacy with R U OK? day. Both my father and myself (and several friends) have suffered with depression and something as simple as someone reaching out to you when things are looking dark can change your life.
Thinking of you and your family through this difficult time.
I'm so sorry you're not OK.
Louise Woodbury
Gavin, your legacy is alive and well and what's great is that you are here to see the massive ripple effect you have created. Breathe in this incredible energy of today when we all stop and get out of our world and into someone elses - in gratitude for YOU.
Be very proud of your willingness to make a difference – R U OK?
Cath & Craig Thompson
Good Morning Gav, Maz and your extraordinary family,
I too watched your story the other night – and laughed and cried throughout.
I have thought of you often since viewing and wanted today, to send wishes to ask RUOK?
I guess that’s a tough question for you now but you will be.
I also did Landmark and was so inspired by the community project.
What Gav’s achieved is amazing – I am sad for you that you will lose him , but he will live on after all of us with what he’s created.
You have so much to be proud of.
Que sera sera.
Love to you.
Cath Thompson
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Iggy Pintado

Dear Gavin
Our mutual friend, Joe Talcott introduced us in May 2010 to discuss taking RUOK Day to the next level. When I heard about what you were trying to do in starting conversations for change - you had me at hello. I knew instantly and instinctively that the social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter that I'd researched and experimented with were almost made for this campaign.
That year, I did my best to assist in promoting it through social media. While it had it's detractors, we made some great inroads and have now set a platform for using it as a way to spread greater awareness of the campaign. I'm glad to have played a small part in this and thank you for lighting the fire that inspired my involvement - now and in the future.
So on the eve of RUOK Day 2011, cheers for being an inspiration, Gavin. If you want to know what I'll be doing on the day besides tweeting, here's a pictorial tribute to you, mate.
Iggy Pintado
Rian Smith
Hi Gavin,
I’m not sure if you remember me (deep down I reckon you would) just wanted to get in touch.
It’s Rian Smith, formerly of Tamarama, daughter of Neil and Ronelle. We used to hang out at the beach, the snow and other places I’m sure?! I’m in Bega now, cheese capital of the Far South Coast.
I saw you on the telly the other night and was deeply moved by your story. I was happy to see a family so closely connected, supportive and loving of each other. Also, I thought your Mum is looking really good too.
What I really want to say, is that I was really impressed by your ability to reflect on life. That you have reached such an emotionally intelligent, insightful and reflective place in your time surely is a testament to the person you have become. I haven’t known you recently, but I suspect (by the way you came across) that you have become a great person.
The way you appear to handle and approach all that is going on around you whilst maintaining your dignity, appreciation of others and empathy for others is a credit to who you must have become. Some people never get there Gavin, in their whole lives.
That you are capable of such reflection is a gift and a testament to all the good in you.
With love, Rian
Leon Saunders
Hi Gav, Maz, Gus and the rest of the Gang,
We were standing out the back, with a skywriter buzzing over our heads the other day. Penny said, 'Look, it's a "P". No, it's "R". I know, I bet it's RUOK?' It was. Two nights later, there you guys all were, telling us about it on the telly. Inspirational stuff. Go, you guys. We think of you all the time. You didn't have to send us a message in the clouds, but it made us even prouder of you. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow, especially. Hope it goes spectacularly well.
All our love,
Leon, Penny and Katie
David Goodman
I often think of the last time we met, having a meeting in the basement of the GPO building talking about RUOK day. There were two conversations going on. One between us and my employers HR reps,and, one totally in my head about how the hell can someone cope with even a third of what you were facing and be focussed on improving and saving other peoples lives. Much later and a lot courtesy of this site it seems to me that we can all be wrong about counting lives in years when we would be much better of counting the number of people whose lives we have changed and been a core part of. Gav, by that measure we are all very much humbled by you.
David Harrington
Hi Gav,
I feel numb, my mind is racing. I had no idea what you and your family have been going through.
I remember our old SBHS rugby days fondly, albeit the average service I gave you. I remember you suggesting one Friday afternoon to get myself to the Windsor Castle Hotel in Paddo for a beer that night must have been 1984 maybe 1985 and managing to get into the pub even though i looked about 12 and watching the band out the back near the pool tables with shag pile carpet half way up the walls. The lead singer was called the king of the things and he wore a surgeons outfit onstage.
Gav, I could probably count on one hand the number of times i have seen you in the last 25 yrs and without exception every time I walked away from seeing you, whether it was a quick chat in the street, a shared train ride into town, without exception I always walked away feeling better about myself and the world we live. You have always had that rare gift to put people at ease, be genuinely interested in what they had to say, what makes them tick and invariably make them feel better about themselves and life.
You are one of the good ones my friend.
Dear Gavin,
You may not remember me. I certainly don’t expect you to. I am a volunteer Lifeline Telephone Counsellor and you joined us for a weekend workshop when we were learning ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training).
Whilst my only interaction with you was for these 2 days, I have lasting memories of your personal story and everything that you were setting out to achieve with RU OK Day. Looking back now, I had no idea that one person could achieve so much. What an amazing feat.
You have clearly touched and inspired so many people – you may not even realise how many. I just wanted you to know that some days, when I feel I don’t have the energy to volunteer, I think of you and the personal story you shared with us on that weekend, and that inspires me to dig a bit deeper and continue being there for others.
I am very humbled to have met you Gavin. What a legacy you have created. You have made the world a better place.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Emma Lawrence
My Cousin Gav
Dear Gav,
Congratulations on making a difference in your life and to so many other lives. All the qualities that made you arrogant and bullish have proven to be some (but not all) of your best qualities. I've been so cross with you since my involvement in RUOKDay, and now I feel so foolish that i was to have taken any of it personally. There was a much bigger picture that clearly I just missed and for that I am sorry. I have learned a lot about myself from this experience alone and I thank you.
No need to mention your incredible family, you must be so proud. You are a powerful bunch of loving people that i am so grateful to know and be related to.
You've done it Gav, you have made the world a better place and I don't doubt that RUOKDay will save lives.
It's too little too late but I wish you great peace and love on your next journey. You are a big brave man and I love you.
Em x
Tony Millard
Whilst the times we shared were few and generally only as a result of me being led astray by your rat bag mates in Mikey, Wags, Johnny and the crew it was obvious to me as to how big a part of them you are! They say the quality of a man can be measured by the impact that he has on others, if that is true then you are a true GREAT MAN.
“Why you?, why not you?” a quote that will resonate with me forever mate – I'm deeply saddened by your illness and only wish wonderful things for your family and immediate support network in these times.
My last memory of you is a truly great one – to paint a picture for you, it was 3am and we had just finished solving the world’s problems over our 4th bottle of Grange……I'm sure you recall!!
Love you mate and ill see you someday somewhere I'm sure!!!
Tony Millard – Millsy
Christine Wehrman
To Gavin and Family,
I just wanted to say what an inspiring person you are. I am Stuart Cooks sister and have been following your story through him. I was so glad to be able to watch Australian Story last night. Wow what an amazing family you are. I hope that RUOK day goes well, was telling Stuey that someone even wrote to my local country newspaper making people aware of this special day. So the word is out there. Strength to you all .
Cheers Christine Wehrman.
Mark Davidson
Hey Gav
Watched Australian Story last night. You are a man of incredible strength. Jacquie couldn’t quite remember you until they flashed up an old photo of you with hair! I still remember a weekend up at Pittwater on a couple of boats and all those boozy nights out courtesy of John Corr. I think he led us astray. Mate – we are thinking of you and your family. You are an inspiration.
John Minty
You may not remember me mate, but we played a lot of touch footy together back in the day!
I live in San Francisco now and so didn't see your story but Scotty (Bowen) sent me a text last night telling me about it, and I've since been online reading everything I can, dating back to your dad.
I have four small children, Jacob (9) - who you met when very young!, Maizy (8), Rory (6) and Toby (3 months), and while I love them with all my heart, we forget sometimes that work isn't priority, and that the football can wait and so can whatever text message just came through.
Thank you for the reminder, and for the inspiration.
Talk soon buddy!
Monday, 12 September 2011
Michael Ellsmore
Hi Gavin & Maryanne …….
Carmel & I have watched a lot of these stories……
It was inspiring to see that with all that is happening in your lives that you can still make us think of others.
Carmel, Michael
James, Jonathon, Jared & Oscar
PS……..I think there are a few people that I need to ring on Thursday.
Lou Walsh
Hi Gavin, I just watched Australian Story and I wanted to tell you as a parent how touched I was by what you have achieved. I'm sorry this horrible disease has created so much pain for you and your family. You have not only touched your families hearts but many Australians in a positive way. People like you can only be seen as truly wonderful beings who are capable of so much love! I lost my Dad a couple of years ago to a most of horrible disease and he was an inspirational man like you and he gave me such a great gift of tolerance and respect for people. This was the greatest gift he could give me because everything good I do now reminds me of him. I wish you all the best and Gus will always hold your strength and deep love in his heart to face whatever lies ahead. You are a very good man! RUOK is a great accomplishment!
Thank you Gavin
Best wishes Lou.
Tim McGowen
In the time it takes to read Gav’s blog we could all be making a donation to R U OK day !
I was just looking at the website and saw that the donations for R U OK day so far stand at only $2,202. We all know how important this legacy is for Gav and his family. I know for someone like myself feeling helpless is not going to help the situation. Perhaps our contribution is to ensure that his legacy is financial and long lasting ? In speaking with Gav , I know that is something that would make a difference.
Paul Shipley
Shippers here old mate. I bumped into Tamara and Tim Hickey last week and they passed on the details of your blog so here I am “Big Unit.”
Gav, we first met at Singo’s in 1997 and we quickly discovered we shared a mutual love of sport and especially Rugby League trivia. Re living all of the past greats of the game brought a smile to my face every day and the cry of “Kevin” would ring out loud and true throughout Singo’s every time I had the chance. “Kevin” of course being the Rugby League journeyman Kevin Campion. We became strong mates during this time and I had the opportunity to meet Maz & Gus and enjoy dinner at your home several times. I’m pretty sure I celebrated the birth of Gus via the presentation of a Wallabies jumper and had his name inscribed on the back? It was fantastic to welcome you and Maz into my home at Manly and I recall a very funny and pissy night one Summer sitting around the dining room table which is exactly where I find myself now writing to you.
Gav, then there was the touch footie team and your constant struggle to play under the 100kg mark. Hence the call of “Big Unit” or 1 tonner. I enjoyed our time in the Singo’s squad at Queens Park when the 1 tonner would go to the line, step off his right foot and pop a short ball to a flying Brian Smith or throw a cut out pass to Shippers lurking wide. Great memories indeed. One thing that resonates with me is your ability to never forget your mates and every Xmas I would receive a random invite to your office Xmas party (namely Brand Shop) of recent times. I would always attend, have a laugh and a couple of beers and witness your annual client speech which was always slick and delivered with consummate professionalism.
Gav, I’ll be watching Australian Story tonight and will no doubt be inspired by this insight. One thing I know about life is that respect earns respect and I have this in truckloads for you 1 tonner.
I love ya Big Unit.
Paul Shipley
Darren Crichton-Browne
Have been laid up for past week after an operation and thought I was doing it tough.
Reading today's telegraph first thing couldn't believe what I was reading.
Rang Jack Singo and emailed Mike Connaghan for the full update, had no idea.
Understand Jack saw you on Sunday.
Past years all I have seen and read is about all your successes with work, family an R U OK.
We met back in 1996 when you presented your view on the ARL and Super League fiasco to John Singo.
It was a great read and an example of how you ended up in your working world, nothing was left untouched.
Then in 1999 I was put on KFC with yourself and Chris Mort, travelled to Brisbane for an induction with you and the rest was history, I left Singos few months later for client, another one of your clients Wizard home loans.
I have been moved today with all your tributes and the effort on R U OK.
Sending strength to you and your family.
Darren Crichton-Browne - dcb
Adam Johnson
Reading this blog has reminded me what an amazing human being you are, and surpassed my already huge assumptions on how many lives you have touched and enhanced.
I didn’t have the pleasure / honour / privilege to know you to the depth or length of time as most people who have posted on here, but our brief time together at Y&R showed me what it takes to be an inspiring leader and, more importantly, just a great bloke. It was a fantastic place to work when you were at the helm – Walshy’s post brought back some great memories – and it was great to watch your career from the sidelines blossom even further.
I last saw you at Bronte Road Bistro last year when you were dining with friends and family at a table near to us. You come over to say hello, that smile of yours bringing light with it wherever it went, despite the struggle you were enduring.
RUOK? is a brilliant initiative and, although I now live back in the UK, I will promote its essence here and ask that potentially life changing question as often as I can.
Your legacy is immense and my thoughts and love are with you and your family.
Adam Johnson
Friday, 9 September 2011
Shelly Winsor
I first met you 12/13 years ago at Singo’s when I was at Etcom. Taco Bell were set to open their first store in Australia. You needed our help because the site was in one of highest Muslim populations in Australia and we needed to turn the store Halal and get the blessing of the community leaders! Fun times.
Soon after, your son Gus was born and I remember a few days after his birth seeing you in the bar glowing with happiness. Years later we connected again after both going off and doing different things and then being called back to the ‘firm’;-). You to start The Brand Shop and me running Etcom. I remember at the Port Stephens conference, Maz and the kids joined you and I remember thinking what a beautiful happy family – the love just shone through.
You have made a difference to so many people. Your success, love of your family and R U OK.
You are a true inspiration Gav and we’ve all been so touched by your story and your spirit.
Love and hugs,
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Iain Good
I want to thank you for touching my life and attracting some awesome people to work with you at The Brandshop, who I now am fortunate to be working with at Shift.
Your story is epic and we would all love to have created just a fraction of the positive change you have created in so many lives.
To hear the depth of positive emotion you have stirred in people you have touched, I hope makes you feel incredibly proud of what Gav Larkin has achieved in real terms.
I know nobody personally, who is braver than you Gavin.
I also know nobody that has your level of determination.
It was so evident from the day you landed at Singos, where you clearly motivated so many people in a powerful and positive way.
You were brave to take the leap to the dark side of client land on another continent but it clearly delivered dividends for you in so many ways.
Your impact on many many people in Australia, will be so much more than even the many great commercial successes you created in your career.
Thank you for reminding us all how powerful a single real person can be.
Man hugs.
Marcus Tesoriero
My old man has forever said, “Jeez that Gav is good boy.”
And my response is always, “Yeah I guess, but you didn’t work with him for 5 years straight.”
But in all seriousness Gav, I know I’ve never said it, you are actually a good boy, and one I’m proud to call a mate. You’ve always done your best to look after all those around you, and there’s not a time when you haven’t given equal respect to any person you met, no matter who they are. My dad says they were qualities that your old man Baz used to have, which is probably why dad carries on about you so much.
Mate we go back quite a while. I remember when you first came to advertising from the finance world, we had a conversation when they plonked you in the media department. You said, “Screw this, I want to be creative.”
At the time I was a junior creative, and just quietly felt I had the competitive edge, but then over a succession of months and years I watched you leapfrog your way from one position to the next. Before I knew it you were head of marketing for Taco Bell in the States and I remember thinking, ‘What a clever bugger, so that’s what he meant by being creative.’
We had some fun times in the old Singo’s days. The bar was always a starting place for absolutely anything. I remember the Singo’s touch footy team we had made up of you, me, Crocker, Warren “the courier” and four Wallabies. And even though I spent most the time on the bench for that comp, we still didn’t win it. I bet Matt Burke still sees that as one of his greatest ever defeats.
Time goes so fast mate, all that seems like yesterday. But as we move through life it’s good to know that the best memories never fade. You are one of Sydney’s true icons, so I’m guessing I’m not alone when I say that I’ve shared some of my best memories with you. I’ve always admired your strength, resilience and courage Gav, and I’m sure these difficult times have really put that all to the test. I just want you to know we’re all pulling for you mate, and our hearts are with you all the way.
Love always, Tes.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Jennifer Ley
Dear Gavin and Maryanne, You are often in our thoughts and we are so pleased to have met you last year. Your courage and strength is an inspiration to us. R U OK is often in our communication with friends n family now. Thanks to you,we recognize that those words open more channels than asking' How are you?'Hope all the family are feeling fine today. Our thoughts n love- Jenny n David Ley
Nick Morgan
I don't know you as well as many people, but it's not hard to understand what you mean to them, and to admire you for your determination and strength.
I just wanted to write to let you know I am thinking of you and your family and I hope you continue to find courage and comfort in the knowledge that you mean so much to so many people.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Michael Ellsmore
HI Gavin…..
Our thoughts are with you today.
Another special day to celebrate with Maz & your three beautiful kids.
Here is a poem for Fathers Day
A Father means so many things...
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support right from the very start.
A constant readiness to help
In a kind and thoughtful way.
With encouragement and forgiveness,
No matter what comes your way.
A special generosity and always affection, too.
A father means so many things
when he's a man like you....
I think when I tick each line I come up with a B+ for myself
……..When I do it for you I come up with an A+
Love always
Michael, Carmel,
James, Jonathon, Jared & Oscar
Marie Cooper

It is wonderful to read all the lovely comments from your many friends. I came into your life when you were just seven years old and you were going through the hardship of having your father only of a weekend (you got me as the boarder instead). I was impressed by your strength, intelligence, enthusiasm and charm as a seven year old and still am. You have grown into a great man who is loved and respected and has influenced many and will continue to do so. I’ve included a couple of photos of a day at the beach in the sand dunes at Windang.
Much love to you, Maz, Gus, Josie and Van.
love Marie
Carol Nedov-Supierz
Dearest Gav,
I too thought about writing something profound about you here and within seconds I realised that all I wanted to write was that it is YOU who is profound dear Gav.
You are truly an amazing soul with wonderful insights, the highest of spirit, courage and strength. Your life has been your gift to your family - to your beautiful wife and my best friend, those awesome little people, (who don't even know quite the man you are yet but yes, absolutely, one day they will see it and you clearly), and of course the many other loved ones in your world. I know you have been celebrating the moments of this your special life.
I could always see through Mazzy's eyes how you were and are the love of her life and is it any wonder? I love your depth of understanding and breadth of acceptance as you negotiate your life's experiences and how you have helped others just by being you. I have always felt so unconditionally supported by both you and Maz and your absolute friendship gives me happiness and comfort. So thankYOU for this!
All my love and support is right here with me to give to Mazzy and the babes 24/7 as you know and one huge big warm hug to you across the internet waves and hope to clap eyes on you again soon.
I'll be helping with RUOK day just so you know Gav... And Jules, thanks so much for setting this blog up!
Take it easy profound gorgeous man and keep breathing all this wonderful truth in !
Love you lots
Carol, Anna and Vinnie
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