I am sorry the following is not as spontaneous as I would like it to be. I seem to have lost any gift of the quill.
A Few Memories of My Godson
Holding you as a baby during your baptism at Rose Bay Catholic Church. You were heavy (over 10 lbs.)happy and healthy. You didn't cry over the font.
Watching Anthony, a friend and yourself play test cricket matches in the backyard at Stanley Street, where I think your front teeth sometimes acted as the stumps. These matches went for days and I think you guys wrote down official scores.
Entertaining you in Canada for several weeks when you were eleven. We scoured the countryside of British Columbia in search of snow so you could have a ski with John Weisner. After a long car journey (where you managed to get Ryan and Shannon
to sing the Oscar Meyer Weiner song a few hundred times) we were finally successful at Mr. Baker.
On the sidelines at St. Ive's football grounds with "you know who" barracking loudly as you scored about 6 tries in 6 minutes. There were high hopes for later greatness in rugby. Your speed came from Maureen.
Glancing around one Christmas at Bronte and noticing the whole extended family decked out head to toe in Bait clothing.
Maz and yourself beating Ardis and I narrowly (curses!) in mixed doubles at the Catholic Club in Coffs. You are a very stylish player with a great serve. We also enjoyed quite a few games at the Clovelly courts and Belrose. I relied on your errors.
Your wedding which was super. Prince Charles and Diana in Uncle Leslie's Rolls Royce. Maz was stunning.
You, "holding court", a little like your Dad used to at many of the functions we've attended over the years. You inherited his charisma with your personality and sense of fun.
Our surprise drop in visit when you were living in Laguna. Gave us a "kick". Richard couldn't believe it when we woke him up.
What a memorable day I had with you at the rugby, being treated as a VIP.
The phone message re Gus about correcting his golf swing when he was only several months old. Very humorous!''
Always presenting a friendly, positive and thoughtful personality to the world. Lots of empathy.
We're somewhat in the same boat, but I've really taken quite a bit of inspiration and example from the way you've handled your far worsening situation. Lots of love and admiration from your godfather, Terry
Thinking of you and your family always,
Uncle Terry
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