Hi Coogee Bear
I bet you haven’t heard that nick-name in a while. Al and I didn’t get to see you as much we would have liked, being the other end of the country and all, but we always have extremely fond memories of when you Aya, and Del used to stay with us in Perth. I remember Alex and I were really excited to meet these cousins from Sydney that we had never seen before. We sure did have some fun. I remember we were around ten or eleven and were on strict instructions to go to bed while the folks were out to dinner. But no, you dared us all to stay up and watch a B-Grade horror flick called “The Robe”. We were all ended up having to sleep in the same room with the torch under the bedcovers. In the middle of the night, we heard a noise and peeked out the door of the room to investigate. By coincidence Barry was walking around the house at 1am in the darkness with a long red towel around his waist, which happened to be the same colour as “The Robe”. I just remember us all screaming like banshees and bashing into each other in the dark as we ran around in circles trying to escape from the “The Robe”. Barry went ape at all the noise we were making.
You also introduced us to that game of champions, Dutch Ovens... The object of the game was to see who is the first person to pass out. You challenged me to a game while Alex and Danny looked on in horror. You declared yourself the winner, but I distinctly remember making your eyes roll back in your head…but you wouldn’t admit it. Dutch Ovens was just the beginning for you it seems, as a person with great tenacity you went onto bigger challenges and refused to let things knock you down.
A lot of people say “Life is too Short” and people always have regrets of what they should have done and should have said……. but the thing is Life is Enduring and you will always have fond memories that bring a smile to your face, or there is always someone that you have influenced in some way who will pick up where you left off…… and so it goes on.
I couldn’t find any photos of when we were younger, but here is a photo of me and my new husband Daren, Alex and a friend of ours.
Take care, and all the best to Maz and the kids xxxxx
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